

class dlg.apps.app_base.AppDROP(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An AppDROP is a DROP representing an application that reads data from one or more DataDROPs (its inputs), and writes data onto one or more DataDROPs (its outputs).

AppDROPs accept two different kind of inputs: “normal” and “streaming” inputs. Normal inputs are DataDROPs that must be on the COMPLETED state (and therefore their data must be fully written) before this application is run, while streaming inputs are DataDROPs that feed chunks of data into this application as the data gets written into them.

This class contains two methods that need to be overwritten by subclasses: dropCompleted, invoked when input DataDROPs move to COMPLETED, and dataWritten, invoked with the data coming from streaming inputs.

How and when applications are executed is completely up to the app component developer, and is not enforced by this base class. Some applications might need to be run at initialize time, while other might start during the first invocation of dataWritten. A common scenario anyway is to start an application only after all its inputs have moved to COMPLETED (implying that none of them is an streaming input); for these cases see the BarrierAppDROP.


Moves this application drop to its CANCELLED state

dataWritten(uid, data)

Callback invoked when data has been written into the DROP with UID uid (which is one of the streaming inputs of this AppDROP). By default no action is performed

dropCompleted(uid, drop_state)

Callback invoked when the DROP with UID uid (which is either a normal or a streaming input of this AppDROP) has moved to the COMPLETED or ERROR state. By default no action is performed.

property execStatus

The execution status of this AppDROP


Handles the arrival of a new event. Events are delivered from those objects this DROP is subscribed to.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

property inputs: List[DataDROP]

The list of inputs set into this AppDROP

property outputs: List[DataDROP]

The list of outputs set into this AppDROP


Moves this application drop to its SKIPPED state

property streamingInputs: List[DataDROP]

The list of streaming inputs set into this AppDROP

class dlg.apps.app_base.BarrierAppDROP(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDROP is an InputFireAppDROP that waits for all its inputs to complete, effectively blocking the flow of the graph execution.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.app_base.DropRunner

An executor for run()-ing an AppDROP

abstract run_drop(app_drop: AppDROP) Future

Executes app_drop.run(), returning a future with the result.

class dlg.apps.app_base.InputFiredAppDROP(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An InputFiredAppDROP accepts no streaming inputs and waits until a given amount of inputs (called effective inputs) have moved to COMPLETED to execute its ‘run’ method, which must be overwritten by subclasses. This way, this application allows to continue the execution of the graph given a minimum amount of inputs being ready. The transitions of subsequent inputs to the COMPLETED state have no effect.

Normally only one call to the run method will happen per application. However users can override this by specifying a different number of tries before finally giving up.

The amount of effective inputs must be less or equal to the amount of inputs added to this application once the graph is being executed. The special value of -1 means that all inputs are considered as effective, in which case this class acts as a BarrierAppDROP, effectively blocking until all its inputs have moved to the COMPLETED, SKIPPED or ERROR state. Setting this value to anything other than -1 or the number of inputs, results in late arriving inputs to be ignored, even if they would successfully finish. This requires careful implementation of the upstream and downstream apps to deal with this situation. It is only really useful to control a combination of maximum allowed execution time and acceptable number of completed inputs.

An input error threshold controls the behavior of the application given an error in one or more of its inputs (i.e., a DROP moving to the ERROR state). The threshold is a value within 0 and 100 that indicates the tolerance to erroneous effective inputs, and after which the application will not be run but moved to the ERROR state itself instead.

dropCompleted(uid, drop_state)

Callback invoked when the DROP with UID uid (which is either a normal or a streaming input of this AppDROP) has moved to the COMPLETED or ERROR state. By default no action is performed.


Manually trigger the execution of this application.

This method is normally invoked internally when the application detects all its inputs are COMPLETED.


Returns True if the data represented by this DROP exists indeed in the underlying storage mechanism


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.app_base.SyncDropRunner

A simple pool-like object that creates a new thread for each invocation.

run_drop(app_drop: AppDROP) Future

Run drop synchronously.

dlg.apps.app_base.run_on_daemon_thread(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) Future

Runs a callable on a daemon thread, meaning it will be ungracefully terminated if the process ends.


Module containing bash-related AppDrops

The module contains four classes that offer running bash commands in different execution modes; that is, in fully batch mode, or with its input and/or output as a stream of data to the previous/next application.

class dlg.apps.bash_shell_app.BashShellApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An app that runs a bash command in batch mode; that is, it waits until all its inputs are COMPLETED. It also doesn’t output a stream of data; see StreamingOutputBashApp for those cases.

class dlg.apps.bash_shell_app.BashShellBase

Common class for BashShell apps. It simply requires a command to be specified.

class dlg.apps.bash_shell_app.StreamingInputBashApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An app that runs a bash command that consumes data from stdin.

The streaming of data that appears on stdin takes place outside the framework; what is streamed through the framework is the information needed to establish the streaming channel. This information is also used to kick this application off.

class dlg.apps.bash_shell_app.StreamingInputBashAppBase(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Base class for bash command applications that consume a stream of incoming data.

dataWritten(uid, data)

Callback invoked when data has been written into the DROP with UID uid (which is one of the streaming inputs of this AppDROP). By default no action is performed

dropCompleted(uid, drop_state)

Callback invoked when the DROP with UID uid (which is either a normal or a streaming input of this AppDROP) has moved to the COMPLETED or ERROR state. By default no action is performed.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.bash_shell_app.StreamingInputOutputBashApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Like StreamingInputBashApp, but its stdout is also a stream of data that is fed into the next application.

class dlg.apps.bash_shell_app.StreamingOutputBashApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Like BashShellApp, but its stdout is a stream of data that is fed into the next application.


Prepares an input channel that will serve as the stdin of a bash command. Depending on the contents of data the channel will be a named pipe or a socket.

dlg.apps.bash_shell_app.prepare_output_channel(this_node, out_drop)

Prepares an output channel that will serve as the stdout of a bash command. Depending on the values of this_node and out_drop the channel will be a named pipe or a socket.


class dlg.apps.branch.BranchAppDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A special kind of application with exactly two outputs. After normal execution, the application decides whether a certain condition is met. If the condition is met, the first output is considered as COMPLETED, while the other is moved to SKIPPED state, and vice-versa.


Manually trigger the execution of this application.

This method is normally invoked internally when the application detects all its inputs are COMPLETED.


class dlg.apps.constructs.CommentDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have a comment in the template palette

class dlg.apps.constructs.ExclusiveForceDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have an exclusive force node in the template palette

class dlg.apps.constructs.GatherDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have a GroupBy in the template palette

class dlg.apps.constructs.GroupByDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have a GroupBy in the template palette

class dlg.apps.constructs.LoopDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have a loop in the template palette

class dlg.apps.constructs.MKNDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have a MKN in the template palette

class dlg.apps.constructs.ScatterDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have a Scatter in the template palette

class dlg.apps.constructs.SubGraphDrop(oid, uid, **kwargs)

This only exists to make sure we have a SubGraph in the template palette


class dlg.apps.dynlib.CDlgApp
class dlg.apps.dynlib.CDlgInput
class dlg.apps.dynlib.CDlgOutput
class dlg.apps.dynlib.CDlgStreamingInput
class dlg.apps.dynlib.DynlibApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Loads a dynamic library into the current process and runs it


Provides a dictionary containing recompute data. At runtime, recomputing, like repeating and rerunning, by default, only shows success or failure. We anticipate that any further implemented behaviour be done at a lower class. :return: A dictionary containing runtime exclusive recompute values.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.dynlib.DynlibProcApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Loads a dynamic library in a different process and runs it


Moves this application drop to its CANCELLED state


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.dynlib.DynlibStreamApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)
dataWritten(uid, data)

Callback invoked when data has been written into the DROP with UID uid (which is one of the streaming inputs of this AppDROP). By default no action is performed

dropCompleted(uid, drop_state)

Callback invoked when the DROP with UID uid (which is either a normal or a streaming input of this AppDROP) has moved to the COMPLETED or ERROR state. By default no action is performed.


Provides a dictionary containing recompute data. At runtime, recomputing, like repeating and rerunning, by default, only shows success or failure. We anticipate that any further implemented behaviour be done at a lower class. :return: A dictionary containing runtime exclusive recompute values.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

exception dlg.apps.dynlib.FinishSubprocess
exception dlg.apps.dynlib.InvalidLibrary
dlg.apps.dynlib.get_from_subprocess(proc, q)

Gets elements from the queue, checking that the process is still alive

dlg.apps.dynlib.load_and_init(libname, oid, uid, params)

Loads and initializes libname with the given parameters, prepares the corresponding C application structure, and returns both objects

dlg.apps.dynlib.prepare_c_inputs(c_app, inputs)

Converts all inputs to its C equivalents and sets them into c_app

dlg.apps.dynlib.prepare_c_outputs(c_app, outputs)

Converts all outputs to its C equivalents and sets them into c_app

dlg.apps.dynlib.prepare_c_ranks(c_app, ranks)

Convert the ranks list into its C equivalent and sets them to c_app

dlg.apps.dynlib.run(lib, c_app, input_closers)

Invokes the run method on lib with the given c_app. After completion, all opened file descriptors are closed.


Module containing MPI application wrapping support

class dlg.apps.mpi.MPIApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An application drop representing an MPI job.

This application needs to be launched from within an MPI environment, and therefore the hosting NM must be part of an MPI communicator. This application uses MPI_Comm_Spawn to fire up the requested MPI application, which must not be aware of it having a parent. This drop will gather the individual exit codes from the launched applications and transition to ERROR if any of them did not exit cleanly, or to FINISHED if all of them finished successfully.


Provides a dictionary containing recompute data. At runtime, recomputing, like repeating and rerunning, by default, only shows success or failure. We anticipate that any further implemented behaviour be done at a lower class. :return: A dictionary containing runtime exclusive recompute values.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).


Module implementing the PyFuncApp class

class dlg.apps.pyfunc.PyFuncApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An application that wraps a simple python function.

The inputs of the application are treated as the arguments of the function. Conversely, the output of the function is treated as the output of the application. If the application has more than one output, the result of calling the function is treated as an iterable, with each individual object being written to its corresponding output.

Users indicate the function to be wrapped via the func_name parameter. In this case func_name needs to specify a function in the standard form


and the module needs to be accessible on the PYTHONPATH of the DALiuGE engine. Note that the engine is expanding the standard PYTHONPATH with DLG_ROOT/code. That directory is always available, even if the engine is running in a docker container.

Otherwise, users can also send over the python code using the func_code parameter. The code needs to be base64-encoded and produced with the marshal module of the same Python version used to run DALiuGE.

The positional onlyargs will be used in order of appearance.


Provides a dictionary containing recompute data. At runtime, recomputing, like repeating and rerunning, by default, only shows success or failure. We anticipate that any further implemented behaviour be done at a lower class. :return: A dictionary containing runtime exclusive recompute values.


The initialization of a function component is mainly dealing with mapping inputs and provided applicationArgs to the function arguments. All of this should be driven by matching names.


This function takes over if code is passed in through an argument.


Function positional and keyword argument treatment:

Function arguments can be provided in three different ways: 1) Through an input port 2) By specifying ApplicationArgs (one for each argument) 3) Through defaults at the time of function definition

The priority follows the list above with input ports overruling the others. Function arguments in Python can be passed as positional, kw-value, positional only, kw-value only, and catch-all args and kwargs, which don’t provide any hint about the names of accepted parameters. All of them are now supported. If positional arguments or kw-value arguments are provided by the user, but are not explicitely defined in the function signiture AND args and/or kwargs are allowed then these arguments are passed to the function. For args this is somewhat risky, since the order is relevant and in this code derived from the order defined in the graph (same order as defined in the component description).

Input ports will NOT be used by index (anymore), but by using the name of the port. Since each input port requires an associated data drop, this provides a unique mapping. This also allows to pass values to any function argument through a port.

class dlg.apps.pyfunc.PyMemberApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A placeholder member function that just aids the generation of the palette component

dlg.apps.pyfunc.import_using_code(func_code: str, func_name: str, serialized: bool = True)

Import the function provided as a code string. Plain code as well as serialized code is supported. If the func_name does not match the provided func_name the load will fail.


Module containing docker-related applications and functions

class dlg.apps.dockerapp.ContainerIpWaiter(drop)

A class that remembers the target DROP’s uid and containerIp properties when its internal event has been set, and returns them when waitForIp is called, which previously waits for the event to be set.

class dlg.apps.dockerapp.DockerApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDROP that represents a process running in a container hosted by a local docker daemon. Depending on the host system, the docker daemon might be automatically activated when a client tries to connect to it via its unix socket (like with systemd) or it needs to be brought up prior to any client operation (upstart). In any case, if the daemon is not present, this class will raise exceptions whenever it tries to connect to the server to perform some operation.

Docker containers are built from docker images, which are pulled to the host where the docker daemon runs either explicitly (via docker pull) or less visibly (e.g., when running docker run using an image that has not been fetched yet). This DockerApp application will explicitly pull the image at initialize time, meaning that the docker images will become available at the time the physical graph (which this application is part of) is deployed. Docker containers also need a command to be run in them, which should be an available program inside the image. Optionally, users can provide a working directory (in the container) under which the command will run via the workingDir parameter.

Input and output

The inputs and outputs used by the dockerized application are made available by mapping host directories and files as “data volumes”. Inputs are bound using their full path, but outputs are bound only up to their dirnames, because otherwise they would be created at container creation time by Docker. For example, the output /a/b/c will produce a binding to /dlg/a/b inside the docker container, where c will have to be written by the process running in the container.

Since the command to be run in the container receives most probably as arguments the paths of its inputs and outputs, and since these might not be known precisely until runtime, users should use placeholders for them in the command-line specification. Placeholders for input locations take the form of “%iX”, where X starts from 0 and refers to the X-th filesystem-related input. Likewise, output locations are specified as “%oX”. Alternatively, inputs and outputs can be referred to by their UIDs, in which case the placeholders will look like “%i[X]” and “%o[X]” respectively, where X is the UID of the input/output being referenced.

Data volumes are a file-specific feature. For this reason, volumes are setup for file-system based input/output DROPs only, namely the FileDROP and the DirectoryContainer types. Other DROP types can instead pass down their dataURL property via the command-line by using placeholders. Placeholders for input DROP dataURLs take the form of “%iDataURLX”, where X starts from 0 and refers to the X-th non-filesystem related input. Likewise, output dataURLs are specified as “%oDataURLX”. Alternatively users can refer to the dataURL of a specific input or output as “%iDataURL[X]” and “%oDataURL[X]” respectively, where X is the UID of the input/output being referenced.

Additional volume bindings can be specified via the keyword arguments when creating the DockerApp. The host file/directories must exist at the moment of creating the DockerApp; otherwise it will fail to initialize.


A docker container usually runs as root by default. One of the major drawbacks of this is that the output generated by the containerized application will belong also to the root user of the host system, and not to the user running the DALiuGE framework. This DockerApp avoids to run containers as the root user because of this reason. Two parameters, given at construction time, control this behavior:

  • user

    If given indicates the user used to run the container. It is assumed that if a user is indicated, the user already exists in the docker image; otherwise the container will actually fail to start. Its default value is None, meaning that the container will run as the root user.

  • ensureUserAndSwitch

    If the container is run as the root user, this option indicates whether a non-root user with the same UID of the user running this process should be: a) searched for, b) created if it doesn’t exist, and c) used to run the command inside the container. This is achieved by prepending some shell commands to the initial user-specified command, which will run as root first, but that finally perform the switch within the container process. Its default value is True if user is None; False otherwise.

Using these two options one can thus control the user that will run the command inside the container.

Communication between containers

Although some containerized applications might run on their own, there are cases where applications need to talk to each other in order to advance (like in the case of client-server applications, or in the case of MPI applications). All containers started in the same host (and therefore, all applications running in them) belong by default to the same network, and therefore are already visible.

Applications needing to communicate with other applications should be able to specify the target’s IP in their command-line. Since the IP is not known until containers are created, this specification is done using the %containerIp[oid]% placeholder, with ‘oid’ being the OID of the target DockerApp.

This need to know other DockerApp’s IP imposes a sequential order on the startup of the containers, since one needs to be started in order to learn its IP, which is used to start the second. This is handled gracefully by the DockerApp code, with the condition that self.handleInterest is invoked where necessary. See self.handleInterest for more information about this mechanism.


Processes in containers might not always exit by themselves, and the containers might need to be manually stopped. This the case for example of an set of MPI processes, where the master container will run the MPI program and the slave containers will run an SSH daemon, where the SSH daemon will not quit automatically once the master process has ended.

Still, we probably will need to differentiate between a forced quit because of a timeout, and a good quit, and therefore we might impose that processes running in a container must quit themselves after successfully performing their task.


Provides a dictionary containing recompute data. At runtime, recomputing, like repeating and rerunning, by default, only shows success or failure. We anticipate that any further implemented behaviour be done at a lower class. :return: A dictionary containing runtime exclusive recompute values.


Main mechanism through which a DROP handles its interest in a second DROP it isn’t directly related to.

A call to this method should be expected for each DROP this DROP is interested in. The default implementation does nothing, but implementations are free to perform any action, such as subscribing to events or storing information.

At this layer only the handling of such an interest exists. The expression of such interest, and the invocation of this method wherever necessary, is currently left as a responsibility of the entity creating the DROPs. In the case of a Session in a DROPManager for example this step would be performed using deployment-time information contained in the dropspec dictionaries held in the session.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.dockerapp.DockerPath(path)

Alias for field number 0


Applications used as examples, for testing, or in simple situations

class dlg.apps.simple.ArrayGatherApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.AverageArraysApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDrop that averages arrays received on input. It requires multiple inputs and writes the generated average vector to all of its outputs. The input arrays are assumed to have the same number of elements and the output array will also have that same number of elements.


method: string <[‘mean’]|’median’>, use mean or median as method.


Create the input array from all inputs received. Shape is (<#inputs>, <#elements>), where #elements is the length of the vector received from one input.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.CopyApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDrop that copies its inputs into its outputs. All inputs are copied into all outputs in the order they were declared in the graph.

class dlg.apps.simple.DictGatherApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.GenericGatherApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.GenericNpyGatherApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDrop that reduces then gathers one or more inputs using cumulative operations. function: string <’sum’|’prod’|’min’|’max’|’add’|’multiply’|’maximum’|’minimum’>.


gathers each input drop interpreted as an npy drop


reduces then gathers each input drop interpreted as an npy drop

class dlg.apps.simple.GenericNpyScatterApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An APP that splits an object that has a len attribute into <num_of_copies> parts and returns a numpy array of arrays.

class dlg.apps.simple.GenericScatterApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An APP that splits an object that has a len attribute into <numSplit> parts and returns a numpy array of arrays, where the first axis is of length <numSplit>.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.HelloWorldApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An App that writes ‘Hello World!’ or ‘Hello <greet>!’ to all of its outputs.

Keywords: greet: string, [World], whom to greet.

class dlg.apps.simple.ListAppendThrashingApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDrop that appends random integers to a list N times. It does not require any inputs and writes the generated array to all of its outputs.


size: int, number of array elements


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.NullBarrierApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)
component_meta = <dlg.meta.dlg_component object>

A BarrierAppDrop that doesn’t perform any work

class dlg.apps.simple.PickOne(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Simple app picking one element at a time. Good for Loops.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

writeData(value, rest)

Prepare the data and write to all outputs

class dlg.apps.simple.PythonApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A placeholder BarrierAppDrop that just aids the generation of the palette component

class dlg.apps.simple.RandomArrayApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDrop that generates an array of random numbers. It does not require any inputs and writes the generated array to all of its outputs.


integer: bool [True], generate integer array low: float, lower boundary (will be converted to int for integer arrays) high: float, upper boundary (will be converted to int for integer arrays) size: int, number of array elements

initialize(keep_array=False, **kwargs)

Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.SimpleBranch(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Simple branch app that is told the result of its condition


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.SleepAndCopyApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A combination of the SleepApp and the CopyApp. It sleeps, then copies

class dlg.apps.simple.SleepApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDrop that sleeps the specified amount of time (0 by default)


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).

class dlg.apps.simple.UrlRetrieveApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An App that retrieves the content of a URL

Keywords: URL: string, URL to retrieve.


Module containing the SocketListenerApp, a simple application that listens for incoming data in a TCP socket.

class dlg.apps.socket_listener.SocketListenerApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDROP that listens on a socket for data. The server-side socket expects only one client, and assumes that the client will close the connection after all its data has been sent.

This application expects no input DROPs, and therefore raises an exception whenever one is added. On the output side, one or more outputs can be specified with the restriction that they are not ContainerDROPs so data can be written into them through the framework.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).


class dlg.apps.scp.ScpApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

A BarrierAppDROP that copies the content of its single input onto its single output via SSH’s scp protocol.

Because of the nature of the scp protocol, the input and output DROPs of this application must both be filesystem-based; i.e., they must be an instance of FileDROP or of DirectoryContainer.

Depending on the physical location of each DROP (this application, and its input and outputs) this application will copy data FROM another host or TO other host. This application’s node must thus coincide with one of the two I/O DROPs.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).


class dlg.apps.archiving.ExternalStoreApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An application that takes its input DROP (which must be one, and only one) and creates a copy of it in a completely external store, from the point of view of the DALiuGE framework.

Because this application copies the data to an external location, it also shouldn’t contain any output, making it a leaf node of the physical graph where it resides.


Method implemented by subclasses. It should stores the contents of inputDrop into an external store.

class dlg.apps.archiving.NgasArchivingApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An ExternalStoreApp class that takes its input DROP and archives it in an NGAS server. It currently deals with non-container DROPs only.

The archiving to NGAS occurs through the framework and not by spawning a new NGAS client process. This way we can read the different storage types supported by the framework, and not only filesystem objects.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).


Method implemented by subclasses. It should stores the contents of inputDrop into an external store.


Module containing an example application that calculates a CRC value

class dlg.apps.crc.CRCApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

An BarrierAppDROP that calculates the CRC of the single DROP it consumes. It assumes the DROP being consumed is not a container. This is a simple example of an BarrierAppDROP being implemented, and not something really intended to be used in a production system

class dlg.apps.crc.CRCStreamApp(oid, uid, **kwargs)

Calculate CRC in the streaming mode i.e. A “streamingConsumer” of its predecessor in the graph

dataWritten(uid, data)

Callback invoked when data has been written into the DROP with UID uid (which is one of the streaming inputs of this AppDROP). By default no action is performed

dropCompleted(uid, status)

Callback invoked when the DROP with UID uid (which is either a normal or a streaming input of this AppDROP) has moved to the COMPLETED or ERROR state. By default no action is performed.


Performs any specific subclass initialization.

kwargs contains all the keyword arguments given at construction time, except those used by the constructor itself. Implementations of this method should make sure that arguments in the kwargs dictionary are removed once they are interpreted so they are not interpreted by accident by another method implementations that might reside in the call hierarchy (in the case that a subclass implementation calls the parent method implementation, which is usually the case).