CLI User Guide

As briefly highlighted in the Startup and Shutdown Guide there is a complete Command Line Interface (CLI) available to control the managers and translate, partition and deploy graphs. This makes the whole system independent of EAGLE or a web browser and also allows the system to be scripted (although we recommend to do this in Python following the API Documentation). The available functionality of the CLI depends on which parts of the DALiuGE execution framework are actually installed on the python virtualenv.

Basic Usage

In order to be able to use the CLI at least daliuge-common needs to be installed. In that case the functionality is obviously very limited, but it shows already the basic usage:

❯ dlg
Usage: /home/awicenec/.pyenv/versions/dlg/bin/dlg [command] [options]

Commands are:
    version                  Reports the DALiuGE version and exits

Try $PATH/bin/dlg [command] --help for more details

If daliuge-engine is also installed it is a bit more interesting:

❯ dlg
Usage: dlg [command] [options]

Commands are:
    daemon                   Starts a DALiuGE Daemon process
    dim                      Starts a Drop Island Manager
    include_dir              Print the directory where C header files can be found
    mm                       Starts a Master Manager
    monitor                  A proxy to be used in conjunction with the dlg proxy in restricted environments
    nm                       Starts a Node Manager
    proxy                    A reverse proxy to be used in restricted environments to contact the Drop Managers
    replay                   Starts a Replay Manager
    version                  Reports the DALiuGE version and exits

Try dlg [command] --help for more details

If only the daliuge-translator is installed this changes to:

❯ dlg
Usage: dlg [command] [options]

Commands are:
    fill                     Fill a Logical Graph with parameters
    lgweb                    A Web server for the Logical Graph Editor
    map                      Maps a Physical Graph Template to resources and produces a Physical Graph
    partition                Divides a Physical Graph Template into N logical partitions
    submit                   Submits a Physical Graph to a Drop Manager
    unroll                   Unrolls a Logical Graph into a Physical Graph Template
    unroll-and-partition     unroll + partition
    version                  Reports the DALiuGE version and exits

Try dlg [command] --help for more details

If everything is installed the output is a merge of all three:

❯ dlg
Usage: dlg [command] [options]

Commands are:
    daemon                   Starts a DALiuGE Daemon process
    dim                      Starts a Drop Island Manager
    fill                     Fill a Logical Graph with parameters
    include_dir              Print the directory where C header files can be found
    lgweb                    A Web server for the Logical Graph Editor
    map                      Maps a Physical Graph Template to resources and produces a Physical Graph
    mm                       Starts a Master Manager
    monitor                  A proxy to be used in conjunction with the dlg proxy in restricted environments
    nm                       Starts a Node Manager
    partition                Divides a Physical Graph Template into N logical partitions
    proxy                    A reverse proxy to be used in restricted environments to contact the Drop Managers
    replay                   Starts a Replay Manager
    submit                   Submits a Physical Graph to a Drop Manager
    unroll                   Unrolls a Logical Graph into a Physical Graph Template
    unroll-and-partition     unroll + partition
    version                  Reports the DALiuGE version and exits

Try dlg [command] --help for more details

Subcommand usage

Command: dlg daemon

Help output:

Usage: daemon [options]

Starts a DALiuGE Daemon process

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -m, --master   Start this DALiuGE daemon as the master daemon
  --no-nm        Don't start a NodeDropManager by default
  --no-zeroconf  Don't enable zeroconf on this DALiuGE daemon
  -v, --verbose  Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet    Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter

Command: dlg dim

Help output:

Usage: dim [options]

Starts a Drop Island Manager

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  The host to bind this instance on
  -P PORT, --port=PORT  The port to bind this instance on
  -m MAXREQSIZE, --max-request-size=MAXREQSIZE
                        The maximum allowed HTTP request size, in MB
  -d, --daemon          Run as daemon
  --cwd                 Short for '-w .'
  -w WORK_DIR, --work-dir=WORK_DIR
                        Working directory, defaults to '/' in daemon mode, '.'
                        in interactive mode
  -s, --stop            Stop an instance running as daemon
  --status              Checks if there is daemon process actively running
  -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        Timeout used when checking for the daemon process
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -l LOGDIR, --log-dir=LOGDIR
                        The directory where the logging files will be stored
  -N NODES, --nodes=NODES
                        Comma-separated list of node names managed by this DIM
  -k PKEYPATH, --ssh-pkey-path=PKEYPATH
                        Path to the private SSH key to use when connecting to
                        the nodes
                        Maximum timeout used when automatically checking for
                        DM presence

Command: dlg fill

Help output:

Usage: fill [options]

Fill a Logical Graph with parameters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Where the output should be written to (default:
  -f, --format          Format JSON output (newline, 2-space indent)
                        Path to the Logical Graph (default: stdin)
  -p PARAMETER, --parameter=PARAMETER
                        Parameter specification (either 'name=value' or a JSON
  -R, --reproducibility
                        Level of reproducibility. Default 0 (NOTHING). Accepts '-1'-'8'"
                        Refer to dlg.common.reproducibility.constants for more explanation.

Command: dlg include_dir

Help output:


Command: dlg lgweb

Help output:

Usage: lgweb [options]

A Web server for the Logical Graph Editor

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d LG_PATH, --lgdir=LG_PATH
                        A path that contains at least one sub-directory, which
                        contains logical graph files
  -t PGT_PATH, --pgtdir=PGT_PATH
                        physical graph template path (output)
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  logical graph editor host (all by default)
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  logical graph editor port (8084 by default)
  -v, --verbose         Enable more logging

If you have no Logical Graphs yet and want to see some you can grab a copy
of those maintained at:

Command: dlg map

Help output:

Usage: map [options]

Maps a Physical Graph Template to resources and produces a Physical Graph

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Where the output should be written to (default:
  -f, --format          Format JSON output (newline, 2-space indent)
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  The host we connect to to deploy the graph
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  The port we connect to to deploy the graph
  -P PGT_PATH, --physical-graph-template=PGT_PATH
                        Path to the Physical Graph to submit (default: stdin)
  -N NODES, --nodes=NODES
                        The nodes where the Physical Graph will be
                        distributed, comma-separated
  -i ISLANDS, --islands=ISLANDS
                        Number of islands to use during the partitioning

Command: dlg mm

Help output:

Usage: mm [options]

Starts a Master Manager

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  The host to bind this instance on
  -P PORT, --port=PORT  The port to bind this instance on
  -m MAXREQSIZE, --max-request-size=MAXREQSIZE
                        The maximum allowed HTTP request size, in MB
  -d, --daemon          Run as daemon
  --cwd                 Short for '-w .'
  -w WORK_DIR, --work-dir=WORK_DIR
                        Working directory, defaults to '/' in daemon mode, '.'
                        in interactive mode
  -s, --stop            Stop an instance running as daemon
  --status              Checks if there is daemon process actively running
  -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        Timeout used when checking for the daemon process
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -l LOGDIR, --log-dir=LOGDIR
                        The directory where the logging files will be stored
  -N NODES, --nodes=NODES
                        Comma-separated list of node names managed by this MM
  -k PKEYPATH, --ssh-pkey-path=PKEYPATH
                        Path to the private SSH key to use when connecting to
                        the nodes
                        Maximum timeout used when automatically checking for
                        DM presence

Command: dlg monitor

Help output:

Usage: monitor [options]

A proxy to be used in conjunction with the dlg proxy in restricted

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  The network interface the monitor is bind
  -o MONITOR_PORT, --monitor_port=MONITOR_PORT
                        The monitor port exposed to the DALiuGE proxy
  -c CLIENT_PORT, --client_port=CLIENT_PORT
                        The proxy port exposed to the client
                        Port used to publish the list of proxies for clients
                        to look at
  -d, --debug           Whether to log debug info

Command: dlg nm

Help output:

Usage: nm [options]

Starts a Node Manager

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  The host to bind this instance on
  -P PORT, --port=PORT  The port to bind this instance on
  -m MAXREQSIZE, --max-request-size=MAXREQSIZE
                        The maximum allowed HTTP request size, in MB
  -d, --daemon          Run as daemon
  --cwd                 Short for '-w .'
  -w WORK_DIR, --work-dir=WORK_DIR
                        Working directory, defaults to '/' in daemon mode, '.'
                        in interactive mode
  -s, --stop            Stop an instance running as daemon
  --status              Checks if there is daemon process actively running
  -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        Timeout used when checking for the daemon process
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -l LOGDIR, --log-dir=LOGDIR
                        The directory where the logging files will be stored
  -I, --no-log-ids      Do not add associated session IDs and Drop UIDs to log
  --no-dlm              Don't start the Data Lifecycle Manager on this
  --dlg-path=DLGPATH    Path where more DALiuGE-related libraries can be found
                        The error listener class to be used
                        A colon-separated list of event listener classes to be
  -t MAX_THREADS, --max-threads=MAX_THREADS
                        Max thread pool size used for executing drops. 0
                        (default) means no pool.

Command: dlg partition

Help output:

Usage: partition [options]

Divides a Physical Graph Template into N logical partitions

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Where the output should be written to (default:
  -f, --format          Format JSON output (newline, 2-space indent)
                        Number of partitions to generate
  -i ISLANDS, --islands=ISLANDS
                        Number of islands to use during the partitioning
  -a ALGO, --algorithm=ALGO
                        algorithm used to do the partitioning
  -A ALGO_PARAMS, --algorithm-param=ALGO_PARAMS
                        Extra name=value parameters used by the algorithms
  -P PGT_PATH, --physical-graph-template=PGT_PATH
                        Path to the Physical Graph Template (default: stdin)

Command: dlg proxy

Help output:

Usage: proxy [options]

A reverse proxy to be used in restricted environments to contact the Drop

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DLG_HOST, --dlg_host=DLG_HOST
                        DALiuGE Node Manager host IP (required)
  -m MONITOR_HOST, --monitor_host=MONITOR_HOST
                        Monitor host IP (required)
  -l LOG_DIR, --log_dir=LOG_DIR
                        Log directory (optional)
  -f DLG_PORT, --dlg_port=DLG_PORT
                        The port the DALiuGE Node Manager is running on
  -o MONITOR_PORT, --monitor_port=MONITOR_PORT
                        The port the DALiuGE monitor is running on
  -b, --debug           Whether to log debug info
  -i ID, --id=ID        The ID of this proxy for on the monitor side

Command: dlg replay

Help output:

Usage: replay [options]

Starts a Replay Manager

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  The host to bind this instance on
  -P PORT, --port=PORT  The port to bind this instance on
  -m MAXREQSIZE, --max-request-size=MAXREQSIZE
                        The maximum allowed HTTP request size, in MB
  -d, --daemon          Run as daemon
  --cwd                 Short for '-w .'
  -w WORK_DIR, --work-dir=WORK_DIR
                        Working directory, defaults to '/' in daemon mode, '.'
                        in interactive mode
  -s, --stop            Stop an instance running as daemon
  --status              Checks if there is daemon process actively running
  -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        Timeout used when checking for the daemon process
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -l LOGDIR, --log-dir=LOGDIR
                        The directory where the logging files will be stored
  -S STATUS_FILE, --status-file=STATUS_FILE
                        File containing a continuous graph status dump
  -g GRAPH_FILE, --graph-file=GRAPH_FILE
                        File containing a physical graph dump

Command: dlg submit

Help output:

Usage: submit [options]

Submits a Physical Graph to a Drop Manager

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  The host we connect to to deploy the graph
  -p PORT, --port=PORT  The port we connect to to deploy the graph
  -P PG_PATH, --physical-graph=PG_PATH
                        Path to the Physical Graph to submit (default: stdin)
  -s SESSION_ID, --session-id=SESSION_ID
                        Session ID (default: <pg_name>-<current-time>)
  -S, --skip-deploy     Skip the deployment step (default: False)
  -w, --wait            Wait for the graph execution to finish (default:
  -i POLL_INTERVAL, --poll-interval=POLL_INTERVAL
                        Polling interval used for monitoring the execution
                        (default: 10)
                        Fetch (and output) reproducibility data for final execution graph.
                        (default: False)

Command: dlg unroll

Help output:

Usage: unroll [options]

Unrolls a Logical Graph into a Physical Graph Template

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Where the output should be written to (default:
  -f, --format          Format JSON output (newline, 2-space indent)
  -L LG_PATH, --logical-graph=LG_PATH
                        Path to the Logical Graph (default: stdin)
  -p OID_PREFIX, --oid-prefix=OID_PREFIX
                        Prefix to use for generated OIDs
  -z, --zerorun         Generate a Physical Graph Template that takes no time
                        to run
  --app=APP             Force an app to be used in the Physical Graph. 0=Don't
                        force, 1=SleepApp, 2=SleepAndCopy

Command: dlg unroll-and-partition

Help output:

Usage: unroll-and-partition [options]

unroll + partition

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Become more verbose. The more flags, the more verbose
  -q, --quiet           Be less verbose. The more flags, the quieter
  -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Where the output should be written to (default:
  -f, --format          Format JSON output (newline, 2-space indent)
  -L LG_PATH, --logical-graph=LG_PATH
                        Path to the Logical Graph (default: stdin)
  -p OID_PREFIX, --oid-prefix=OID_PREFIX
                        Prefix to use for generated OIDs
  -z, --zerorun         Generate a Physical Graph Template that takes no time
                        to run
  --app=APP             Force an app to be used in the Physical Graph. 0=Don't
                        force, 1=SleepApp, 2=SleepAndCopy
                        Number of partitions to generate
  -i ISLANDS, --islands=ISLANDS
                        Number of islands to use during the partitioning
  -a ALGO, --algorithm=ALGO
                        algorithm used to do the partitioning
  -A ALGO_PARAMS, --algorithm-param=ALGO_PARAMS
                        Extra name=value parameters used by the algorithms

Command: dlg version

Help output:

Version: 1.0.0
Git version: Unknown