Using the Logical Graph Editor

These are some guidelines on how to use the Logical Graph Editor included in DALiuGE.


On the left-hand side is the palette where different component types are shown. Users can drag these components and drop them in the central area where a Logical Graph will be build up. When hovering the mouse over a component on the Logical Graph different connection points appear on the borders of the component. By clicking on these and dragging the mouse over to a different component users can draw an arrow between two components signaling a relationship between the two.

By clicking on a component’s text users can also change the label shown by that component on the Logical Graph. This is useful for readability and has no impact on the final output of the Logical Graph.

Also when clicking on a component the editor will show the component’s properties on the bottom-right corner. Users can change here some values associated to the components. Different components support different properties.



The ShellApp component represents a bash shell command. The command to be run is written using its different Arg properties. For example, to run echo 123 users would have to write echo in Arg01 and 123 in Arg02.

When referring to the application’s inputs and outputs in the command line %i[X] and %o[X] can be used, respectively, where X refers to the key property of the referenced input/output. These placeholders will eventually be replaced with the file path of the corresponding inputs or outputs when executing the command. For inputs and outputs that are not filesystem-based the %iDataURL[X] and %oDataURL[X] placeholders can be used instead.

Note that sometimes an application is connected to an input or output component representing more than one physical input or output (e.g., an application outside a Scatter component connected to a Data component inside the Scatter). In these cases the corresponding placeholder will expand to a semicolon-delimited list of paths or URLs. It will be the responsibility of the application to deal with these cases.


The Data component represents a payload. When transitioning from the Logical Graph to the Physical Graph these components generate InMemory drops currently, but support will be added in the future to generate drops with different storage mechanisms.


The Scatter component represents parallel branches of execution. Is is represented by a yellow-bordered box that allows other components to be placed within. All the contents of the body of a Scatter will be replicated as parallel branches of execution when performing the Logical Graph to Physical Graph transition depending on the value of its num_of_copies property.

Components outside a Scatter can be connected to components inside the Scatter. In such cases, when he Physical Graph is generated, the outside component will appear as connected to the many copies generated from inside the Scatter.


Simple scatter

In this example we will have an application producing many outputs, identical in nature, which are then processed in parallel by a second application. The initial application also outputs a different, single file.

To do this we drop a ShellApp into the Logical Graph. Next to it we drop a Scatter component. Inside the Scatter component we drop a Data component, and next to the Data component we finally drop a second ShellApp component. One can then draw an arrow from the first ShellApp to the Data component, and a second one from the Data component to the second ShellApp. Finally, drop a Data component outside the Scatter and draw an arrow from the first ShellApp component into it. Optionally change the names of the components for readability.

The final result should look like this:


If you save the Logical Graph form above, and then generate the Physical Graph it will look like this:


Here it can be clearly seen how the Scatter component’s body has been replicated according to its configuration. It also shows how the first application now produces multiple outputs.